Utah Youth Ministry
t Salt Lake Community of Christ, we understand the importance of fostering a supportive environment for our youth. Our Utah youth ministry endeavors to create a space where young people can come together to explore their faith journey in companionship with others, guided by our enduring principles. We aim to cultivate a sense of belonging and friendship among our youth while deepening their connection to Jesus. Our programs cater to children aged 5 to 11 and teenagers aged 12 to 18. Our informal setting encourages the development of meaningful relationships among peers, with the overarching goal of inspiring them to lead lives grounded in our enduring principles. Our youth deserve a welcoming space where they can authentically be themselves and find a supportive network of friends who will journey alongside them throughout life's ups and downs.
Goals of Youth Ministry
Recognizing the immense potential within our young members, our youth ministry seeks to empower them to embrace and utilize their talents within our community and beyond. Youth ministry is more than simply keeping youth busy or out of trouble, its purpose is to invite and integrate youth into the total life and mission of the church. By providing opportunities for fellowship, worship, and service, we aim to nurture their spiritual growth while equipping them with the skills and confidence to make positive contributions to both our church and wider society. fellowship, worship, and service.

Children in Worship Services
Children play an active role in our Sunday Worship Services, ensuring their inclusion and engagement in the community's spiritual journey. We incorporate a Children’s Focus Moment in each worship service, designed to be interactive and tailored to the day's theme, fostering opportunities for children to glean insights from the scriptures and experience "aha" moments of understanding. Children are also invited to actively participate by reading scriptures or assisting with passing the offering plates, further affirming their integral role in our worship community. Through these practices, we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging and empowerment among our youth, honoring their unique perspectives and contributions as valued members of our congregation.
Youth Sunday School
We provide Sunday School classes for youth every week at 10:00 am. Topics vary, but are generally organized around the Enduring Principles and allow for children to guide the conversation. Our teens are currently engaged in a program integrating spirituality, environmentalism, and the arts.
Sacraments for Children
Community of Christ believes in encountering God through sacraments, which are pivotal moments in life where God's grace, the Holy Spirit's influence, and Jesus Christ's example intersect with personal faith commitment. Children are involved in sacramental practices where appropriate, fostering their spiritual growth and understanding within the faith community.
Teen Activities
Quarterly teen activities keep our youth connected across Utah. We have teenagers from Logan to Provo! Past activities have included bowling, a trip to the Ogden Nature Center, and a movie night.

Youth Camps
Salt Lake Community of Christ and our greater mission center sponsor several youth camps. These are open to all interested. We have scholarships available if cost is an issue. Check back for more information.
Youth Worker Cerification
The Child and Youth Worker Certification process in Community of Christ is a comprehensive program aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of children and youth involved in church activities. The CIMM0450 Child and Youth Worker Core Training course equips individuals with essential knowledge and strategies to prevent abuse and safeguard youth effectively. Applicants must complete a thorough application process, including providing personal information, references, and undergoing interviews with church representatives. Upon completion and approval, certified youth workers are registered and equipped to serve within Community of Christ, promoting the values of care, responsibility, and accountability in their ministry with children and young people.