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Visio Divina for Autumn Equinox

What Is Visio Divina?

Visio Divina, or “divine seeing,” is a spiritual practice where we spend time looking at an image, like a painting or something in nature, to feel closer to God. Just like we sometimes read and think about Bible verses in Lectio Divina, Visio Divina invites us to look carefully at an image and notice what stands out to us. As we reflect on the picture, we think about how it might connect to our own lives or our relationship with God. It’s a simple way to experience God’s presence by quietly focusing on what we see.

Autumn Equinox as a Time of Reflection

Today, we’re going to practice Visio Divina together as we reflect on the Autumn Equinox. We’ll focus on the quote, “And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.” by Virginia Woolf, and we’ll use an image called “Landscape Study: Autumn Landscape” by Alfred S. Wall.

Autumn is a season of change, where the leaves turn beautiful colors and the earth prepares for rest. As we look at the image and think about the quote, let’s reflect on how our own lives, like the trees, go through seasons of change. What do the changing leaves represent for you? What are you embracing or letting go of in this season of your life?

Step by Step Meditation Instructions

Take your time to quietly focus on the image, and allow it to speak to you as we connect with the beauty of this moment.

Let’s take a few moments together to think about the beautiful changes happening around us.

Look at the painting and notice all the bright autumn colors—yellows, oranges, and reds. What do these colors make you feel? Do they remind you of the changing leaves we see during this time of year?

Now, close your eyes and take a big, deep breath in. Slowly let it out. Think about how the Earth is changing as we move into this new season of fall. The days are getting shorter, and the air feels cooler. How do you feel about these changes?

As you breathe in again, think about the areas of your own life where you might be seeing changes. Maybe it’s something new you’re trying, or perhaps something you wish would change. As you breathe out, imagine yourself accepting these changes, just like the trees do when they let go of their leaves.

Imagine holding a color fall leaf that represents how you’re embracing change in your life. It can be something small, something big, or anything in between.

Hold it in your hands, and keep breathing in and out, gently. Each time you breathe out, feel yourself becoming more peaceful about the changes and transitions happening in your life. Let this quiet time help you feel more connected to the Earth and ready to embrace this new season.

Feel the calm, and know that just like the seasons, change is a natural part of life.

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