Joy Like Glitter
By Laura Pennock Scripture Text 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you? Night and day we p
The Zion of Our Hopes
In Community of Christ, we understand Zion not as a far-off place, but as a community of people united in diversity and committed to living out mission. Jesus' mission, proclaimed
Unity in Diversity: Paul’s Message to the Corinthians and Our Community
The communion table is a radical act of symbolic hospitality and love. There is no worthy or unworthy. There is no place for ego and dogma here. There is only room for love.
In the World, But Not of the World
By Brittany Mangelson, Pastor I’ve been thinking about our scripture for weeks, but I only sat down to write my sermon last night. You see, today’s scripture text has a phrase
Sunday Sermon: Easter People Love
By Michelle Phillips 04.28.24 @ Community of Christ, Salt Lake City Good Morning! Welcome to the Fifth Sunday of Easter. (Yes, it’s still Easter here! Settle in, we’ve go
Crucifixion Happens – Easter Sermon
I would like to start today quoting a Facebook post from Apostle Art Smith: It’s Easter and in some places it’s also recognized as Trans Day of Visibility. May the dehuma
Join the Humble Procession
By Michelle Phillips Embrace wholehearted living inspired by Jesus’ journey this Lenten season. Trust in God’s guidance as you discern your response to the call of peac